You don’t need to hide your smile or suffer dental pain any longer! Dental implants can improve your smile and your quality of life. Our Gainesville dentist practice offers single tooth replacement implants, partial and full arch implant placement placement, removable overdentures, and non-removable full-arch hybrid prostheses, so you can show your beautiful smile to the world with confidence!
At Van Dyke General and Implant Dentistry, we have over 30 years of experience. As a family-owned and operated dental practice, we prioritize customer service and quality care. Contact us today to schedule a dental implant consultation and learn more about how dental implants can help you!
Tooth loss can occur for a variety of reasons, whether it’s due to an accident, oral trauma, tooth decay, extraction, or other causes. Missing one or more teeth can make it difficult for us to eat the foods we love and make us feel self-conscious about our appearance. Without treatment to fill the gaps, missing teeth can result in jaw bone deterioration, among other health consequences. When patients desire a permanent solution for tooth loss, we may recommend dental implants. Dental implants in Gainesville, FL, are a safe, natural-looking alternative to traditional dental bridges, crowns, and traditional dentures.
Implants consist of an artificial tooth root placed in the jawbone, creating a durable, permanent foundation and structure within a replacement tooth. In contrast with other tooth-replacement options, dental implants replace the tooth as well as the tooth root. They are implanted into the jaw bone as a permanent solution that provides comfort, security, and confidence over other treatments. For more than 25 years, Van Dyke General and Implant Dentistry has helped to improve the quality of life for patients with implants. Contact us to find out how you can revitalize your smile with dental implants from our Gainesville dental office.
A dental implant is essentially a replacement tooth root with a prosthetic tooth attached. Placing a dental implant usually involves several steps. One of our dentists in Gainesville will attach a small “anchor” or “post” made of titanium into the jawbone to replace the missing tooth. As you heal, the implant will go through osseointegration or the process by which the implant fuses with the natural jawbone, which creates a solid foundation for your replacement tooth.
Thereafter, a dentist secures the replacement tooth to the top of the tooth implant. The new teeth will look, feel and perform similar to natural teeth giving you the freedom to eat, smile, and laugh without reservations. In the next step, your dentist will place an abutment, or small connector, on top of the dental implant to connect the replacement teeth. In the final stage, the dentist attaches your replacement teeth to the abutment, which provides you with teeth that appear and function like your natural teeth.
Dental implants offer a more secure bite than removable dentures, making it easier to eat, talk and laugh without fear of embarrassment.
Dental implants can improve your overall oral health by allowing neighboring teeth to remain intact, rather than compromising healthy teeth to support a bridge.
Implants look and feel like natural teeth, restoring your self-confidence and giving you a beautiful smile.
Dental implants do not require special care and can be cleaned in similar ways as natural teeth.
Dental implants offer a wealth of benefits to our patients. It’s unlikely that you will find a more effective or longer-lasting option to restore your lost teeth. Not only will you enjoy the feel and function of natural teeth, but dental implants are virtually indistinguishable from the surrounding, natural teeth. Additionally, you can continue your normal oral hygiene routine with dental implants, as well as visit your dentist for regular dental checkups and teeth cleanings!
An unhealthy mouth affects your total health and well-being. A painful jaw and teeth can greatly reduce the quality of your sleep, disturb mental clarity, and significantly impact your confidence and comfort. Food may also be more difficult to eat and enjoy. By taking control of your oral health, all these issues can be left in the past. A brighter smile and a brighter future are ahead!
Dental implants offer a more secure bite than removable dentures, making it easier to eat, talk and laugh confidently. They perform like natural teeth for a secure and strong bite with no movement.
Dental implants can improve your overall oral health by allowing neighboring teeth to remain intact rather than compromising healthy teeth to support a bridge.
Properly installed and healed implants are painless. Bite, chew, laugh and lie down without aches and sharp pains! Plus, they are easy to live with, they do not require special care, and are cleaned similarly to natural teeth.
Dental implants can improve your overall oral health by allowing neighboring teeth to remain intact, rather than compromising healthy teeth to support a bridge. They also do not require special care and can be cleaned in similar ways to natural teeth.
Gainesville, FL, dental implants are an excellent choice for anyone experiencing tooth loss due to disease, decay, or trauma. Whether you need one tooth or a full arch implant replacement, we have the solution for you! People looking for a permanent answer that looks natural and feels secure would greatly benefit from dental implants. Contact us today to see how we can help you!
A stronger, healthier smile is just around the corner! The process for receiving dental implants depends on several factors, such as how many implants you require and how quickly your gums and surrounding tissue heal.
During this evaluation of your mouth and medical history, you and your dentist will discuss your needs and goals for this procedure. A plan is set to map out the placement and decide what kind of implant is best for you. Usually, a timeline is determined during this time as well.
The implant is secured into your jaw while you are under anesthesia. The procedure installs the anchors for your prosthetic teeth. The procedure itself is painless with minimal recovery discomfort usually lasting less than a week.
During this phase of the process, the attachment of a prosthetic “post” to the implant, and you can finally behold your new, beautiful smile!
Maintenance and good oral hygiene are crucial to the speed of recovery and comfort. Make sure to follow the aftercare instructions for caring for your implant before, during, and after the procedure.
Dental implants are a common type of intervention for the loss of teeth. There are a number of different reasons for tooth loss, including a lack of oral hygiene, poor oral hygiene, the build-up of plaque and tartar, tooth decay, and gum disease, among other causes. Patients may lose one or more teeth due to an injury to their teeth from a fall, car accident, or another form of trauma, a result of an illness, or the cause could be congenital in nature. No matter the cause for your dental implant needs, a dentist in Gainesville with our practice can help revitalize the aesthetics and health of your smile using dental implants.
Implants are necessary when a patient has missing teeth, but they cannot or do not desire dentures, bridges, or crowns. Replacing missing teeth is critical, as the consequences of removing or losing a tooth without replacing it can create much more severe issues in the future, such as jaw bone deterioration and shifting teeth. In addition to their oral health and medical benefits, dental implants likewise play a role in the overall function of your mouth, supporting a healthy bite, preventing bone deterioration, and supporting a healthy and functional jaw bone. Dental implants may likewise be necessary for visual improvements to your smile, providing you with a renewed sense of self-esteem and self-confidence.
One of the numerous benefits of dental implants over other tooth-replacement options is their patient-friendly nature with regard to ease of care. However, there are a few care tips to consider for properly maintaining your new dental implants. After you get your dental implants, you may need to change your toothbrush to a nylon toothbrush option, as nylon bristles are gentle on implants. Be sure to avoid using a toothbrush with bristles that are too firm or hard, as these can scratch the surface and wear away at your implants. You should also avoid using abrasive oral hygiene products, whether toothpaste or mouthwash. With dental implants, it’s important that you floss twice each day. Plaque easily builds up around and between your implants and your surrounding teeth, which may result in a host of oral health issues.
Your dentist will be happy to provide you with oral product recommendations for your new oral hygiene routine! Avoiding abrasive items is also important to remember with regard to foods. Eating foods that are very hard, sticky, or chewy, such as ice, caramel, dried fruit, hard candies, crusty or hard bread, chips, and steak, can cause damage to your implants, as well as opposing teeth. By avoiding these foods, you can help ensure your dental implants remain in great condition. Dental implants can provide incredible results that improve the appearance and function of your smile, but they are not a cure for all dental hygiene problems or oral conditions. Depending on your overall oral health, you should schedule to visit your dentist twice each year, at a minimum. With proper care and regular dental visits, your dental implants can last a lifetime!
Your dentist will provide you with comprehensive dental instruction for caring for your dental implants and oral health following your implant procedure. After you receive your dental implants, it is normal to experience some degree of pain and swelling over the next 24 hours of your dental implants recovery process. This should not be cause for alarm or concern. Some soreness and tenderness are common, but they should improve with each passing day. If the pain becomes more severe, please contact our office. As with pain, swelling may occur on the face near the surgical site and should ease over the next few days.
Apply an ice pack to the face and (if able) take an anti-inflammatory, over-the-counter medication, such as ibuprofen, to help with the swelling and discomfort. If you have any questions or concerns following your procedure, please contact our office. There are many factors that contribute to a patient’s recovery timeline for dental implant surgery. Patients who receive only one or two dental implants and did not require bone or tissue grafts can recover in as little as a few days. Those who receive many implants and require any grafts may find that they require additional time to heal. Other considerations may include age, health, and hygiene.
The cost of dental implants depends on the specific needs of each patient. While dental implants can be more costly than dentures and alternative options, it is important to consider the longevity implants offer. The initial investment will last a lifetime and is an excellent value compared to alternatives that need replacing.